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New & Potential Members

Hello PAUSD New Hires,


The Palo Alto Educators Association (PAEA) would like to welcome you to PAUSD.  We are the representative body for all educators in the district.  PAEA performs many functions, the most well known are bargaining on the behalf of members and representing teachers rights.  We hope you will attend the New Teacher Luncheon PAEA will be hosting during your orientation week. We also hope you will consider becoming a valued member of PAEA.  If you would like to join PAEA/CTA/NEA before the luncheon you can click the link below. 

If you cannot attend the and you have questions about membership, please contact our membership chair Cheryl Tsuruda @  

The PAEA New Teacher Luncheon will be held on August 4, 2021, at lunchtime. This will be on one of your new teacher district training days.


Teri Baldwin,

PAEA President

Click the link below to Join PAEA/CTA/NEA